Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Public sounds off on Austin bag ban plan,

Both those in favor of and next to a future ban for single-use plastic and paper bags found things not to like about the suggestion at a hearing Wednesday night.

Proponents of the ban, which wouldn't go into result until 2016, said it should happen earlier. Opponents raised concerns about elderly bus riders transport reusable bags, which are larger and therefore heavier when full. Others concerned about health issues that could arise if families don't wash the reusable bags.

Public comments during the gathering of the city's Solid Waste Advisory Commission kicked off with a song from a bag ban advocate describing the qualities of a ban while strumming his guitar.

"There actually isn't two sides to this subject; there are five or more," said Bob Gedert, director of Austin reserve Recovery , the city section that wrote the draft ban and handles trash collection and recycling. "I do see some room for development."

The ban would be in the middle of the broadest bag bans in the nation.

Commissioners are preparation another meeting for public input near the beginning next month before the decree is reviewed by the commission on Jan. 11. The City Council is listed to discuss and perhaps vote on the ban on Feb. 9.


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