Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Hirsute humans keep bed bugs at bay with body hair,

In a strangely ‘hairy’ study, it has been exposed that people, who have limbs enclosed with hair, are safe from bed bugs. According to a report available in the journal called Biology letter, it has been exposed that bedbugs find waxed or shaved arms and legs, more juicy and good-looking than the ones sheltered with hair. They might actually find it tricky to get their way to the skin, where they can banquet on human blood.

As well this, when a person has hair on the body, he/ she is warned that a bug is about to bite them and they might scare it away before it takes a thrust. It was revealed by Professor Michael Siva- Jothy, of the Sheffield University that parasites will stay at bay, if people have hair on their bodies.

"The results have implications for sympathetic why we look the way we do, what selective forces strength have driven us to look this way, and may even provide insight for improved considerate how to decrease biting insects' impact on humans”, he added further.

It was additional added that even though men tend to have more body hair than women, it isn’t like they are any fewer bitten by insects. They are injected by these creatures regularly.


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